Preparing for Your Visit to wellBeing Acupuncture
You may be curious about Acupuncture. Your inquiry may be about the needles. For instance, “How big are they? Do the needles hurt? How long are needles left in?” Often I am asked, “How does Acupuncture work and can it help me?”
I will take the time to listen and answer any questions you may have.
What to Expect
Your first visit to wellBeing Acupuncture is a Traditional Diagnosis and treatment. It will run about one hour and forty five minutes.
The information you share begins the foundation of treatment planning. Each part of your life matters to wellness. So we walk through your personal history, family history, medical history, as well as sleep, digestion, breathing, and more. Individual daily life choices are also important: what are your interests, how do you move throughout the day, what are your challenges in life?
Once the diagnosis is completed, your treatment will begin. Acupuncture needles will be inserted while you are lying comfortably on a table in calm surroundings. A series of points will be used in treatment chosen specifically for you. Needles may be left in around twenty minutes or less. At times, people experience a little prick or sting as a very thin, sterile needle is gently inserted. Usually, there is a feeling of relaxation while resting. Some people even fall asleep.
After the first visit, treatment times run one hour to one hour and fifteen minutes.
Depending what will serve you and with your permission, I may choose to support the treatment with other healing modalities like cupping, essential oils, breathing techniques, gua sha, and herbal formulas. I will explain how each healing modality works and the benefits. At the end of the treatment, we will discuss one or two specific ways to shift your daily life in support of your health and wellness.
Getting Optimal Results
Before and After Treatment
Here are some suggestions for optimal results with your Acupuncture treatment:
- Eat lightly before and after treatment. Drink plenty of water.
- Avoid alcohol for 24-hours before and after treatment.
- Avoid very hot or cold baths or showers on the day of treatment.
- Do not use make-up (especially for the first couple of treatments), perfume or strongly scented shaving lotion the day of treatment.
- Plan your time so you do not have to rush to your next appointment or activity.
- Gain maximum benefit from your treatment by engaging in relaxing, restful and enjoyable activities throughout the day.
- Continue prescribed medications exactly as directed by your personal physician.
- Report any changes in physical or emotional patterns that occur between treatment sessions. Such detail is valuable in planning the course of your treatments. Journaling can be helpful.
As we live with COVID-19, your health and safety is top priority at wellBeing Acupuncture
As a health care provider, every client’s health and safety is top priority. These safety protocols are to support the care of all.
- Waiver –All clients entering wellBeing Acupuncture need to sign a waiver prior to being treated. It states if you are experiencing any signs of COVID-19 (coughing, sneezing, fever, etc) you will reschedule your appointment or switch to a virtual appointment for an Herbal Consultation.
- Masks – Masks are to be worn in the treatment room. It is a simple thing to do to help everyone.
- Washing hands – Hands are to be washed before entering and washing or using a hand sanitizer after leaving the treatment room.
- Disinfecting – I will be scheduling more time between appointments to thoroughly clean the treatment room and all surfaces.
- The day of your appointment – when you arrive in the parking lot, text or call and I will meet you at the door to let you in. While at wellBeing Acupuncture, you will be the only client in the office.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we learn how to navigate through these extraordinary times in our home, our community and our world.
Print, fill out these 3 forms and bring this to your first appointment please.
A Thought to Ponder